Listen!John 17:6-19 | John 6:60-69 Over the past few weeks we’ve been exploring different big issues that confront us as a Church and as individual followers of Jesus in the …read more
Listen!Genesis 1:1-19 | Psalm 19:1-4 Many of you will have heard this story before, because I love to tell it. When I first arrived at Uniting Theological College to start …read more
Listen!Acts 17:22-28 | John 14:1-10 As I mentioned two weeks ago, at the start of this September series of sermons on issues facing Christians today, when I asked members of …read more
Listen!Acts 5:27-32 | 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 In some ways last week’s sermon might have felt a bit depressing. I guess its kind of inevitable that if you ask what the …read more
Listen!Ezekiel 37:1-14 | John 12:20-26 When, a few weeks ago, I asked members of the congregation to nominate what they thought were the biggest issues facing the Church in the …read more
Listen!Psalm 103:1-8 | Luke 13:10-17 What are God’s laws for? This question really goes to the heart of a whole swathe of Christian theology and ethics and social action. What are God’s …read more
Listen!Psalm 82 | Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Hebrews chapter 11 contains one of my favourite verses in the whole of the Bible. “By faith,” it reads, “they were sawn in two.”. Now …read more
Hebrews 11:8-16 | Luke 12:32-40Listen! When I was at college, one of the other student – now a respected minister, so I won’t name him or her – had a …read more
Ecclesiastes 2:18-23 | Luke 12:13-21Listen! The Bible has, it would have to be said, something of an ambiguous attitude towards wealth. On the one hand, in much of the Old …read more
Psalm 85 | Luke 11:1-13Listen! Prayer is complicated. There is probably no part of the Christian faith that is at the same time so universally valued and respected, and at …read more
Genesis 18:1-10a | Luke 10:38-42Listen! It’s great to be back in Wahroonga after a few weeks away – it’s especially good to be back in time to celebrate the ashes …read more
Listen!Psalm 30 | Luke 7:1-17 Looked at from the outside, there is a lot of the Christian faith which makes a lot of sense, values which friends and neighbours might …read more