Peace through justice through truth

Peace through justice through truth

Isaiah 11:1-10 | Matthew 3:1-8 A shoot shall come out from the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. How timely an image is this for us in New South Wales at the moment, as we watch the news of bushfires and breath the smoke blanketing the city.

The Prophets

The Prophets

Isaiah 2:1-5 And so today we begin that journey of getting ready for Christmas, the journey of advent.

A Church for the Environment

A Church for the Environment

Genesis 1:31 | Psalm 24:1-2 | John 3:11-17 So over these few weeks before we move into advent we’ve been exploring what it means to be part of a bigger Church – part of a Church which is more than just Roseville, more than just Uniting, more than just early twenty-first century.

Sycamore Trees

Sycamore Trees

Luke 19:1-10 I doubt that there has ever been a society in which being a tax collector was a profession which would make you automatically popular amongst your peers. Even in a stable democracy like Australia, in which we have a say in the government that spends our tax dollars, and in which, for all […]

Keep my commandments

Keep my commandments

John 15:9-17 Chapter 15 of John’s gospel begins with the image of the vine – “I am the vine,” Jesus declares, you are the branches; abide in me and I will abide in you, and then you will bear much fruit. Here, in the second half of that saying, Jesus takes that phrase, “abide in […]

Frontier Services

Frontier Services

Psalm 46:1-5 | Isaiah 40:28-31 When I was a kid, I lived in what I thought at the time was a small village in England, a long way away from the city. Well, it was in England, so I got that bit right, and technically it was a village, although Woodstock was big enough to […]

Seeds and weeds

Seeds and weeds

Mark 4:26-34 Right back at the beginning of Mark’s Gospel the author gives us a one sentence summary of Jesus’ preaching: “Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’”. When you read […]

Not a spirit of timidity

Not a spirit of timidity

2 Timothy 1:1-14 Today’s reading from Paul’s second letter to Timothy gave me the perfect excuse to indulge in one of my favourite sermon-procrastinating pastimes – searching the internet for interesting quotes.

Dishonest Wealth

Dishonest Wealth

Luke 16:1-9 Don’t you just love it when Jesus praises dishonest behaviour? I particularly like the way that many Bibles, choose to spin this as the ‘parable of the shrewd manager’. Yeah, ok, the guy acted shrewdly, but I wonder what you would call a man who, afraid he was going to be sacked for […]

Ninety nine or one?

Ninety nine or one?

Luke 15:1-10 Don’t you just love this parable? This image of God as the Shepherd who cares about the individual sheep, who seeks out the lost, who celebrates over the return of the wanderer.

What do we do with the passover

What do we do with the passover

Exodus 12:1-13 | Luke 22:14-20 So welcome to an episode of “what on earth are we going to do with this story”. A story in which we are told of God committing an act of terrorism. Systematically killing the firstborn of every family in an entire nation, in order to get the political leadership to […]

Invited and inviting

Invited and inviting

Luke 14:7-14 This week Sureka I celebrated our twenty second wedding anniversary. Now while many of the details of the preparations for the wedding have faded into the midst of time (actually, I managed to avoid much of the planning by still being in England when decisions had to be taken), one thing that does […]

Sharing the invitation

Sharing the invitation

Jeremiah 1:4-10 | Acts 2:14-18 I love the call of Jeremiah. Not for those famous opening words – “before I formed you in the womb I knew you”  – with which God declares that Jeremiah was set aside for great things; nor for the way that God puts the words into Jeremiah’s mouth, appointing him […]

Knowing what we have received (part 3)

Knowing what we have received (part 3)

Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been looking at the nature of the invitation that we have received, and in whatever way, responded to, in our own lives, the invitation that we have to share with the world around us.

Knowing what we have received (part 2)

Knowing what we have received (part 2)

Psalm 85 | Luke 11:1-13 Prayer is complicated. There is probably no part of the Christian faith that is at the same time so universally valued and respected, and at the same time so diversely understood, or openly not understood.